we have got to salute this man. he is a sub collector in kerala and his name is Pranab Jyotinath. and we got to double salute this man. he is a retired public servant now committed to a cause of the crucial river. his name is K.A.Verghese and he is a local environmentalist in pathanamthitta district.
his interest and hardwork along with support of his staff and local environmentalists have given a glimmer of hope for the Manimalayar river. this amazing river in pathanamthitta district of kerala is not only a vital lifeline for agriculture and drinking water but also a amazing scenary to those who venture into rural kerala.
like most rivers of india this river is being abused by huge illegal sand mining and the effort of local environmentalist Mr. Verghese is amazing. quoting a para from the report,
Mr. Verghese had to bear with physical attacks from the sand mafia thrice in the past three months, besides the unending life-threatening calls. Once he was roughed up by goons when he tried to block a lorry smuggling sand from the Manimalayar at Vallamkulam in the late hours. He had a narrow escape when his scooter was knocked down by a vehicle laden with sand on January 12.
kudos to these gentlemen. may their tribe grow. let india understand the true meaning of sustainable development from these amazing individuals.

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