binayak sen case is well known one. well known among people and media who really care about. least known among people and media who care only about cricket, fancy malls, glamorous bollywood stars and those who talk about fake development.
how the new china (india that is), can crush a true gandhian - a very talented doctor who could have made millions of dollars in corporate world - in name of fake charges and brand him naxal and jail him on the filmiest of the charges and burying him deep in the legal quagmire.
even naxals, whose violence is not pardonable and not sustainable, would be throwing up on seeing a perfect human rights crusader being braded a naxal.
tehelka has a hard hitting story on binayak sen case. india's democracy started with the birth of mahatma gandhi as a freedom fighter. india's transformation as china has started with the arrest of binayak sen under fake charges.
one para from the article was touching. it is below.
Sometimes the true measure of people is revealed in the small, random remarks of those who know them. When the Supreme Court denied him bail, an old man told an activist at a rally for Binayak, "If the courts are not going to free our doctor, should we storm the jail?" Then he continued ruefully to himself, "But what's the use? All the other prisoners would run away, but Dr Binayak would stay back."
india should bow its head in shame, utter shame on jailing such a renowned person as binayak. india is now officially in idi amin territory.
when truth is
chased away,
when non-violence is
met with brutality,
when fakism
rules the day,
when honest men
are hauled away,
when loud thunder
steals the soft rain,
when it does not matter
for what the true cause is,
when nobody cares
to know the truth,
then will raise in revolt
the humbled men and women,
whose questions will not be just questions
but thunderbolts that cannot be stopped.
those who question fake development, those who question fake dams, those who question brutal SEZ's, those who ask questions - all will be jailed. if you are not from corporate world or if you are not in the paybook of the elected-politicians-turned-middlemens, you have no rights.

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