no i am not shouting due to joy, but due to horror. horror in the fact that a prestigious university like carnegie mellon is planning to give 2007 alumus award to ex MoEF secy mr.pradipto ghosh. (see end of this post for the 'award'/'reward' details).
i shot of an email to the alumni house of the university. india's environment is in shambles and the major reason for that is the repeated stab that mr.ghosh perpetuated in environmental sphere of India via his wrong actions and blatant inactions when he was environment secy. he was major part of the 'no climate change impact on india; india wont reduce greenhouse gas emissions' brigade. india is ill equipped to handle climate change crisis and many other environmental disasters that is happening right in now india because of a very weakened and politicised MoEF, the result of actions of people like mr.pradipto ghosh.
the email i sent is below. very interesting... i did not know that reputed universities of america rewards looters, plunderers and environmental rapists. i would have recommended a couple of them to carnegie mellon so that they can rename the award as 'award and reward to environmental looters, rapists and plunderers - proudly presented by carnegie mellon'.
Date: Aug 26, 2007 3:39 PM
Subject: Reconsider 2007 alumnus award to be given to Mr.Pradipto Ghosh
To: alumni-house+@andrew.cmu.edu
dear carnegie mellon,
my name is bala and i live in california.
i was shocked with horror to read that your esteemed institution is planning to give an alumnus award to ex environment secretary of india mr.pradipto ghosh.
india environment has been brutalised in past several years with laws like EIA (environment impact assessment), national environment policy, etc being abused at each and every turn. India's forests, rivers and air are under brutal assault in name of fake development and MoEF (ministry of environment and forests) was and is a silent spectator.
during mr.ghosh tenure, the abuse of india's environment and ecosystem was beyond control and his office did not move a thing to work to preserve and protect india's environment.
MoEF in india is dead right now and one of the major reasons that is dead is the policies and the lacklasidcal attitude of mr.ghosh during his tenure. i have blogged the fake development that is taking place in india at http://developedment.blogspot.com.
i would kindly request you to reconsider the award to mr.ghosh. if your university awards plunderers, looters and abusers please go ahead. if your university respects the world environment and india's environment then withdraw the award.

Heinz School Alumnus Dr. Prodipto Ghosh to be Awarded Carnegie Mellon Alumni Association Achievement Award
Prodipto Ghosh, who received a Ph.D. from the Heinz School in 1991, is among the honorees for the Carnegie Mellon Alumni Association’s 2007 Alumni Awards Program. The 11 alumni selected this year, will be honored during the October 26 – 28 Carnegie Mellon Homecoming/Heinz School Alumni Reunion Weekend. Dr. Ghosh will be among the four Carnegie Mellon alumni receiving Achievement Awards. More information on the Awards and recipients is available at http://alumni.cmu.edu/each_other/awards/awards.html
Over the 16 years since his graduation, Dr. Ghosh has demonstrated his global vision and international cooperation. He is an exemplary alumnus in that his work parallels Carnegie Mellon University’s commitment to energy and the environment, especially to changing the way the world thinks and acts about the environment.
Dr. Ghosh has been a leader in the area of economic and environmental policy -- from his Heinz School dissertation on greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, to his positions with various research and governmental positions in the Philippines and India. Dr. Ghosh has served in India’s governmental offices since 1969. Since 2003 he has been Secretary of India’s Ministry of the Environment and Forests, setting policies and programs to conserve biodiversity and national resources.
As Secretary, Dr. Ghosh oversees policies and programs to conserve India’s biodiversity and national resources. He is responsible for all aspects of environmental conservation and forest protection as well as multilateral environmental agreements and international cooperation.
From 1994 to 2003, Dr. Ghosh served as a senior environmental specialist with the Asian Development Bank. One of his major accomplishments there was leading 12 Asian nations, comprising more than half of the world’s population, in reducing greenhouse gas emissions under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Dr. Ghosh previously served as Additional Secretary in India’s Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance. He was also Additional Secretary to the Prime Minister, serving as economic advisor. From 1994 to 2003, he was a Senior Environment Specialist at the Asian Development Bank in Manila, Philippines and from 1991 to 1994 he was Senior Fellow at the Tata Energy Research Institute.
Dr. Ghosh was Member-Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory and Trade and Industry Advisory Councils as well as Co-Executive Secretary of the Indo-US Economic Dialogue and Member of the Independent South Asia Commission for Poverty Alleviation.
He is the author of over 40 publications, peer-reviewed research papers and several books.
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