it was FM day out for our PC. our finance minister PC, who by any standards, is a decent politician but of a different breed.
meaning you have politicians who are 'my way or highway' and you have politicians who are suave like 'my way or no way dear'.
PC belongs to second category. although he is not in streets creating chaos or protests, he is making sure there is chaos in our ecosystems by lopsided economic policies that fail to recognise that IT, Auto and polluting factories alone are not our economy.
during PC's time we can confidently say, as this blog has chronicled, that our eco systems are under brutal assault coupled with brutal twist and abuse of our crucial environmental policies including EIA, environment policy, national bio diversity policies, etc.
worst, PC's economic policies have literally meant nothing to tens of thousands (perhaps hundreds of thousands) of farmers who are in deep distress both financially, technically and agriculturally.
let's see some of PC quotes in the article.
Mr. Chidambaram, who stressed that he was here on a private visit and not as Minister, said the biggest goal of his life was to wipe out abject poverty.
i guess he means biggest goal of his life his to wipe out poverty amongst poor businessmen of india who wants farm lands, wetlands and forests without EIA, without genuine compensation and without democratic means.
He described abject poverty as where people don’t have pucca roofs over their houses, have no clothes to change and don’t get two square meals a day.
does our honorable PC realise that these factors come into play in majority of india by means of environmental destruction wherein the rural people have no means of having a stake in protecing and nourishing their ecosystems including wetlands and rivers, which can provide drinking water, irrigation needs and livelihood sustenance. like anil agarwal quotes, our policy makers need to educated on things other than money also so that they can understand root cause of poverty.
Striking a note of optimism, he said that the last 16 years showed that it was achievable to create jobs and make a dent in poverty.
india's progress in IT, auto and few other sectors are impressive. but majority of this growth is concentrated on tiny segments of india's population with massive neglect of majority of the people and huge abuse of our environment.
In a democracy, there would be a clash of opinion but one must be confident of doing the right thing.
democracy!!!! i think this is the keyword for many nowadays. where is the democracy when hundreds of thousands of people are submerged in a disaster called narmada dam, where is the democracy when tribals of chattisgarh, jharkhand, orissa and other mineral rich states are being violently thrown out for the benefit of few multinational companies, where is the democracy when crucial environmental policies are being brutalised to benefit industries resulting in huge damage to our ecosystems.
democracy, i guess is a donkey. a donkey which will dance to fake 'development'.
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