Tuesday, May 08, 2007

one of the true human indicator in any developing/developed country is the free-ness and easiness in which human beings can walk.

refining further, one of the hallmark of any city/urban area/country that wants to become 'truly developed', is to plan, implement, enforce and monitor pedestrian walkways.

the joy of children walking on the side pavements, the elderly couple taking a leisurely walk, group of students crossing in a casual way main city roads via pedestrian crossings...these are joy to watch.

but in mindless madness, indian cities have eliminated even a few walking spots leaving mothers, children, students, pedestrians, etc clinging to their dear life.

cars, cars and more cars dominate urban roads and these car owners, who truly have prospered in india's lop sided development, don't care a damn on the poor pedestrians.

truly 'developed-ed' indeed is india. (a mother with his son watching dangerously in 'developed-ed' indian roads.)
(pedestrians crossing near guindy railway station, chennai, tamilnadu. there is not even a minimum safety net for poor pedestrians in face of onslaught of cars and other vehicles)


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