as india, indian upper middle urban elite, media newspapers, etc forgets what human rights out to be in tibet, in darfur, in burma, in jammu&kashmir and in other parts of the world, they need not look no further than central indian state of chattisgarh.
dr.binayak sen has been held without trial on anti terrorism charges. the word stupidity has no meaning in india as dr.binayak sen case illustrates.
a honest doctor, an ultimate human being who stood for the tribals in the remote areas of chattisgarh and who voluntarily came down from kolkatta to face false charges has been under arrest WITHOUT TRIAL for many months.
he has been awarded 2008 jonathan mann award for global health and human rights.
india should bow its head in massive shame on such a brutal action that it has committed on one of its illustrous sons. the land of buddha and gandhi should weep and beg for pardon from this great human being who worked to improve the lives and human rights of marginal mine workers in chattisgarh.
no wonder, when it comes to tibet, in iraq, in darfur, in burma and in many other places of the world, upper elite class of india, indian newsmedia and indian government has no clue on what human rights mean.

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