downtoearth latest cover story in vedanta mining in niyamgiri hills in orissa is shocking and numbing. in what can be described as one of their best stories so far for past couple of years (since i became their avid reader), it puts out the brutal story of vedanta plc mining in niyamgiri hills circumventing all human and environmental laws.
vedanta, should not be called vedanta. instead its shareholders should rename it as violanta, since it has violated all possible things in niyamgiri hills threatening rivers, mountains, forests, wildlife and tribal people livelihood.
vedanta headed by once metal scrap dealer anil agarwal has still the same mentaility. he seems to be thrashing the ecosystem and the people who depend on the ecosystem with the same way he trashes scrap metals. and his british shareholders seem to agree very much considering there is zero share holder activism to curb his vagabond moves.
and as for as orissa and its america returned chief minister, nothing matters except money. that too a pittance of money as the dte report points out, the mining companies make a total killing leaving just pennies to state government in terms of royalties.
ah well, who cares. as long as the keyword 'development' is used, nothing matters.

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