the long debated and destructive athirapally hydel power project is on news again. with our beloved ministry of non-forests and non-environment (mo-ne-nf), granting it clerance, the destructive hydel dam has got a life on its own.
looks like anywhere there is a river, there is a dam being proposed/bulldozed/built. if ever a poem was written it would be like,
dam dam india
damn damn environment
develop develop india
pamper pamper the rich
if ain't no dam
it ain't no river
if ain't no destruction
it ain't no development
brutalize, bulldoze the feeble
shower, socialize the rich
downtoearth article also illustrates the plausibility of the project. With an improper EIA, fake river flow data, hyped up electricity generation figures, discounting the huge loss to the endemic kadar tribals, the forests and the wildlife, stabbing the huge tourism industry, killing one of the majestic waterfalls of the world - this athirapally project is the one of the hallmarks of fake development in south india.
let us be clear on one thing. this 'development' is not development but destruction. destruction of environment, destruction of truth, destruction of people who depend on the chalakudy river, stabbing of tourism livelihood amongst others.

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