Friday, November 16, 2007

river cauvery is the lifeline river of south india and a very crucial river for tamilnadu, which is the lower riparian state.

previoulsy we would have sung in the glory of river cauvery as below as the river bought civilizations to tamilnadu and food to tamilnadu.

cauvery cauvery cauvery
run cauvery cauvery
flow like the smoothness
enrich with your tastiness

in your pureness
we bathe
in your gloryness
we take shadow
in your might
we are humble
in your plenty
we get bounty

but before we can go any further, we have to stop. these are modern times with 'development', 'gdp', 'india shining and rising' in focus. so we better change the song.

cauvery cauvery cauvery
run cauvery cauvery
die cauvery die cauvery
die die die

in chemicals we bathe you
in poison we treat you
in effluents we wash you
in toxics we clean you

we wanna get 'developed'
we will screw you for that
we wanna show 'growth'
we will destroy you for that
we wanna mint money
we will suck you for that...

this blog has been putting out the death of india's lifeline rivers. river cauvery heads the top of the list or rivers that has been poisoned, destroyed and made cancerous.

please don't call this 'development'. this is not the way to develop in any way.
(river cauvery at mettur in tamilnadu. dying, dead and doggone due to wilful industrial pollution from toxic companies based in mettur)


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