pressure is a four letter word. not exactly. pressure is actually 8 letter word. whatever the count is, pressure is the only thing that works on indian industries when it comes to environmental sensitivity.
consider this. wipro group of companies is the one of the richest in the world making its chairman one of the richest person in the world and in turn making out many hundred (and probably thousands) millionaires within the company and outside.
what should a company like wipro be doing with their environmental policy. they should put in place a rigorous and stringent policy for environmental friendliness right from the computers they make and the buildings they occupy.
but it took huge amount of pressure from greenpeace that ran a stinking campaign on wipro including in front of wipro offices to make wipro act apart from running a stunning email/internet campaign. and act did wipro. one of the reasons wipro might have acted is not to keep india clean but perhaps to safeguard their image as they are a software behemoth and western companies might not want to deal with a software company that is not showing any environmental concern.
even now most of indian computer and software companies have no idea whatsoever on recycling of e-waste, a looming problem in india.
whatever might be the reason, wipro is a classic case wherein new age companies need a stinking campaign to make sure they stay clean. wipro could have done without any of these as they are the richest company in the world and putting a few percentages in environmental friendliness will not hurt premji's bottom line anyway.
and not only that being green, staying green and living green and doing business green indeed will add to bottom line of wipro eventually as more and more see the beneifts of using green products. wipro can be the leader in this or they can be a laggard who wakes only based on pressure. the choice is upon them.
it is sad to note that even learned and educated management gurus of wipro need to be pressurised on the benefits of going green.

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