india's potential for tourism is immense. with its rich cultural heritage, arts form, dance tradition, stunning coastal areas, mesmerising rivers, beautiful locales, etc, india is indeed a stunning chaos of colors.
but therein lies the tragedy. the tragedy that the tourism is hardly looked as a genuine tool in which local people can benefit. but tourism has been looked as a tool which can be given to huge corporation and increase the gdp without real benefits of local people.
kerala, with its eco tourism models is showing the way on how tourism should be done. but there are flaws in kerala model too. but other states have no clue on the eco tourism model vis-a-vis development.
hindu's story on Poolampatti in banks of river cauvery is a classic example. in tamilnadu, there are many such places like Poolampatti which can give a run of money to any other places.
but either those places or ignored or opened up for unsustainable corporate level tourism work - both of which adds no value to real development of india.

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