there was some interesting comments from the Director of the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (Kalpakkam).
when queried over some of crucial points like a)nuclear radioactive waste b) nuclear safety in potentially many tens of new nuclear power plants c) nuclear disasters like chernobyl or three mile disasters.
pat came the answer. "it is all a matter of political will"
well sir, the present situation of that 'will' is a disaster. in jadugoda, radioactive mining has been a disaster. not only that there are strong protests in new nuclear mining places in andhra pradesh and meghalaya.
and india's 'will' when it comes to sustainable development is almost zero.
i highly recommend the article in latest siliconeer written by mr.m.v.ramana that exposes the fake nuclear ambition of india.
Despite this less than stellar history and the hand wringing about international sanctions, the DAE has continued to make extravagant predictions. The current projections are for 20,000 MW by the year 2020 and for 207,000 to 275,000 MW by the year 2052. The likelihood of these goals being met is slim at best. But even if they are met, nuclear power would still contribute only about 8-10 percent of the projected electricity capacity in 2020, and about 20 percent in 2052. There is thus little chance of nuclear electricity becoming a significant source of power for India anytime over the next several decades.
It is by no means clear that even with the resumption of international nuclear trade the DAE will be able to generate a significant fraction of the country’s electricity requirements for decades. Further, such electricity is likely to be expensive. In the case of French reactors which are typical of Western supplied power plants, M.R. Srinivasan, former head of the DAE, has stated that, “Recent cost projections show that if an LWR were to be imported from France, the cost of electricity would be too high for the Indian consumer. This is because of the high capital cost of French supplied equipment.” The estimated capital cost of each 1000 MW foreign reactor is about $2 billion or about Rs. 8,000 crores. To this must be added the interest cost during construction, roughly another Rs. 2,000 crores. In all, if one were to think of 10,000 MW of foreign reactors being imported over next decade, the total cost will be Rs. 100,000 crores — no small sum.
A second motivation for the deal represents another of DAE’s failures: in ensuring sufficient supplies of uranium to fuel its nuclear reactors. For the reasons mentioned earlier, India has been unable to import uranium for most of its nuclear reactors. Current uranium production within India is far less than the fuel requirements of its reactors if they are run efficiently. DAEDAE’s desperate efforts to open new uranium mines in the country, including in Meghalaya and Andhra Pradesh, which have met with stiff public resistance, primarily because of health impacts of uranium mining and milling on the communities around existing mines.
pipe dream in india nowadays walks around in the name of 'nuclear dream' and as long as india's upper elite who benefit the most from the mindless development can be made dreamers, more such dreams will be floating around.
well americans have refused to buy this fake dream and hence there has NO single new nuclear power plant in past 30 years. but to sell to india's upper elite is an easy task as easy as selling the fake nuclear deal.
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