one more grim news came on the 'development' front. it seems the cabinet committee on economic affairs has given a go ahead for the uranium mining project in andhra pradesh (in the cheif minister mr.rajasekhar reddy's consituency).
if you are aware, there were wide spread protests against this uranium mining. local people have resoundingly rejected the project in a farce public hearing in the project area.
the problems in uranium mining in jadugoda is well known and the government and officaldom rarely acknowledge the uranium related issues in jadugoda so as not to 'blemish' our 'stellar 'nuclear weapons program and the 3% electricity the nuclear power plant generates (30 to 30% of electricity gets lost in tranmission and distribution losses though and nobody cares!!!). instead of going the conservation/solar/green building/cutting down t&d losses/wind power route, the government in name of development is planning to create more dangerously polluting jadugoda in rural areas, thereby bringing 'grave development' rather than a sustainable development.
when jadugoda weeps, the elite of india can rejoice - in the fact that new sources of electricity are being tapped to develop more at the cost of impoverished rural people and the environment in which they live.

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