Friday, January 05, 2007

let me warn you first. i am no match for a nobel prize winning economist. i am a novicial novice when compared to joseph stiglitz.

but i couldn't help myself wondering about some of his ideas based on the speech he gave in the lecture "making globalisation work" organised by the hindu newspaper.

i am quoting from some of his quotes from the article below.
It is not just about GDP in the modern era of globalisation, he said.
Developing countries need to take full advantage of the flexibilities provided in the TRIPs (Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights) to ensure that their interests are protected.
Globalisation, in its present form, has increased the divide between the rich and the poor.
The reasons: Economic globalisation has outpaced political globalisation.
It is important that India ensures that the gains from globalisation benefit more people. This calls for social security, strengthening the education system and rural development programmes.

all of the above are super quotes. but i am surprised that joseph stiglitz has not mentioned enviornmental abuse, misuse and plunder as one of the reasons affecting people in india, a developing country.

he has not mentioned that the stone granites in his friends home, the wooden frame for his nice ikea sofa, his walmart rug, his t-shirt and nice trousers, his friends patio, his sister's wooden furniture, the chemicals in his bathroom, the fertiliser in his garden, etc comes at an enormous cost to developing countries.

he has not quoted how rural india and its people is taking a direct hit since its rivers are polluted hell, its land raped in name of mindless mining, its air poisioned in name of industrialisation.

like amartya sen, joseph spiglitz seems to be living in a fancy la-la economics land.


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