Thursday, September 27, 2007

each state in india has a biodiversity board which is concerned with the biodiversity of the ecosystem at state level.

biodiversity is very important to document, analyze, protect and cherish since it indicates the wealth of the ecosystem.

like pollution control board and other environmental regulatory authorities these departments are severely bypassed in 'developed' india when it comes to 'development' projects and their opinions/recommendations either seldom taken or not even asked for.

in kerala, for a change in kerala, the kerala state biodiversity board has opposed the athirapally dam project.

kerala state biodiversity board is headed by well known environmentalist dr.v.s.vijayan and he has been opposing this project right from beginning.

one of the crucial things that is happening in the way india is 'developing' is that the pillars of sustainable development like ministry of environment and forests, biodiversity boards, pollution control boards, wildlife committees, etc are being bulldozed and brutalized into submission to clear 'projects' so that rich india can keep on 'developing'.

we need more action from kerala biodiversity board so that they are not just crushed aside in the madness to build a monster of a unneeded athirapally dam.


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