the forests right bill has been widely debated between various sections including the environmentalists, wildlifers, tribal ngo's, tribals, etc.
i am no expert in this complicated issue. but ashish kothari's article in frontline is a nice balanced article.
as he rightly says as below:
Finally, let us remember that if conservationists and human rights advocates do not join forces, both interests will be defeated by powerful corporate and commercial interests that are on the upsurge owing to the mad rush to achieve a 10 per cent rate of growth. Even as the government gives forest rights to Adivasis, it is opening up Adivasi and other forest areas in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa and elsewhere for mining, industries and the like.
forests, rivers and other natural pillars are very crucial for corporates so that they can slam these crucial resources for their own gains in a unsustainable and brutal manner. this is happening in india right now in name of developement.
as the author points out if conservationists and tribal rights activists join hands in conservation (of forests) and livelihood (of tribals) angle then the result will be a huge plus for both of them. if these 2 crucial sections fight each other, the result will be not be good for either of them.

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