for any country to grow sustainably and truly, its regulatory authority is very important. in case of india, the chief among them is moef.
in 2005/2006, moef revised the vital eia notification in a brutal manner benefiting the already compliance-carefree industries. you can read the eia shredding at the 2 articles Draft EIA notification favours industry over environment ; Cover story on EIA by DTE
moef is going one step ahead in this mania by putting a new system of monitoring the projects for compliance once eia is isssued.
my question is: very rarely has eia been followed correctly by moef and industry. there have been huge violations in approving eia. and now even the eia has been loosened and further loosening will be done by moef by their new announcement.
there is a famous saying, "what will the crop do, when the fence itself eats the crop". with respect to moef this is very true.
below is some of the pictures from the moef chalo protest done by ngo's and community activitst in nov 2005 in moef office to protest against indiscriminate flouting of eia norms and also total non involvement of ngo's and communities in the new eia norm formation.

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