what the government is conviently overlooking in tirupur pollution belt, the farmers are not. they have cautiously welcomed the government move to let the effluents via pipeline to the coastal area. but the president of erode district Farmers' association, S. Nallasamy, wonders if the fishermen would remain idle and watch the effluents being let into the sea.
this is exaclty the mode of development in india. shift problems, overlooking huge environmental disasters, pit one section against the other. for argument sake if the effluents are going to let off in say nagapattinam, will the fishermen who depend on healthy seas keep quiet.
and the president of the Lower Bhavani Project Ryots Association, C. Nallasamy, hits the nail, when he asks about international outcry on the effluents into sea water in such massive quantities as nearby countries and even faroff countries will see the run-off effects of pollution.
when the governement of tamilnadu wants to create several tirupur's via massive textile parks, even without having a basic working model on pollution and effluent control/treatment, no wonder coastal areas present an easy target.

(nagapattinam coastal seas. already the coastal areas of this district is under huge assault from shirmp farming . effluents from tirpur will be an unwanted development in this area)
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